Tuesday, July 9, 2019


So much has changed, so much has happened. I still have my uos and downs but mostly good days.
I got engaged, Chris is so sweet and I know he will be an amazing step dad. He is so amazing and caring but more than anything he puts us first.
We havent pick a date for the weeding but I am ok with that, to be honest I am scared of marrige. I know I should not but I can't help it. I have huge trust issues.
Chris has been my best friend, he has been my support and he has shown me hot to love again. He is such a blessing in our lives.
You Evelyn love talking to him and play games. You Abe always talk about wanting to go do sports with him and how you love how much he spoils you.
You guys are so excited since your dad got engaged too. Anne has been so nice to you and i really like her. She seems like she will be a good step mom and i think she makes your dad happy so it is a win win.
Your dad and I have ups and downs. Not sure why but communication gets weird and we get so over sensitive. I do wish one day we could be in a healthy place but who knows.

I thought a lot about your grandma and grandpa this weekend. It has been almost 3 years since i heard from them. I pray every day for them and i hope they know I loved them and none of the things JOrdan said were true. My hearts stills gets sad that they belived him but one day I hope it stops hurting not knowing from them.

I have been traveling a lot with Chris. I am hoping we could finally have a family trip soon, but work gets all crazy and I have taken lots of time off.

I love you guys and this is the update so far.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Wow  life has change so much, things start to feel normal. kids still wonder sometimes what happened but as I promise myself to never ruined you and Jordan's relationship as a father unless when you guys are adults and want to know the truth, I would tell you everything as it happened. You ask less and less and that has help us all.

Your dad is a good dad, he worries about you and takes care of your needs. We are having better communication. I think wounds are healing and forgiveness is an amazing virtue. I don't pretend to be a victim because to be honest through this whole thing YOU, Abe and Eve were the ones that got hurt the most.
I am going to school now, it is hard to work a full time job and a part time job and still go to school but it is so wroth it for our future.

My boyfriend supports me and is always there and to be honest he puts up with me probably when he shouldn't. I am so grateful that he has teach me how a man should treat a women and how love is not just words and promises but actions. Thank you babe.

You guys are doing great. School is good but still sometimes you complain about waking up or going.
Abraham you are almost as tall as me and Evelyn you look like as if Abe is your twin.
Your dad told me you guys are going to Canada for 2 weeks since you. Your grandparents rented a house and he will be taking you for family vacation. I am so happy he gets to do those things with you guys. You deserve the world and so much happiness.
The boyfriend told me since it would be by my birthday that we might go to Hawaii so that got me excited but i work a lot on the summer too so we will see.

Abe and you Eve went to Arizona for Thanksgiving. Abe said he had a good time but he wishes Ann wasn't there. I met her and she seems nice and caring so I hope if she marries your dad that you can always be nice and respectful to her.
Evelyn really likes Ann and I hope she can really see a friend on her and knows she has more support in life if ever need it.
Listening to your guys story made me miss Bard and Kim. They were always so nice to me. Please always love them. So so many times I wish things didn't end the way they did with them but I also know they had the right to choose to believe in everything Jordan said.

Anyway I miss Kim's cooking so much ( her rolls and her chocolate chip pie are to die for ) I use to talk to her about celebrities fashion and love to share the magazines (gossip ) wit her.

Bard was the kindest soul I have ever met, spiritually even more.
Anyway enough with the past.

Christmas is with me this year and I hope to make special. We are a family of 3 now (maybe soon 4 :) ) so lets start  new traditions and be happy.

I love you guys and I hope your dad loves you too.

With much love

Evelyn's Birthday 

Evelyn and her selfies 

My Thanksgiving without you guys :(

We love going to the movies 
Mom failed. Good thing Linsday saved me lol 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

New Beggining

I have been divorce for almost a year, Wow so many things have changed.
I was waiting for so long to be able to heal from so much pain, lies and disrespect. I WANTED to reach out to so many people I cared about and saw as my family but truth is, if they really knew me they would have not believe so many terrible things that were said about me.
Divroce was hard on my kids and of course for me but what was harder ,was to realized all the terrible things that the one person who was suppossed to protect us said and was not true.
Countless nights I wanted to reach out , EXPLAIN AND clear things out. But I could not see the point of doing so. What would have come out ...more pain , more insults and I loved them so much that I decided I could not put them throught that. I still miss them. They were my family for 10 years and I will always respect them.
Anyway here is to a new beggining. It has been almost 3 years since the nightmare started But I have decided to move on and forgive even when an apology was never said to me.
I will post a lot about life as a single mom, my journy to a healthy life, school and the journy in my dating life and the most important thing...My kids

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Long Time

Creo que ha pasado un ano desde que escribi en mi pagina. He decidido no estar en Facebook por varias razones. Se que muchas de mis amistades quisieran saber lo que esta pasando con nosotros, por eso he decidido usar este medio. 
Aqui un poquito de lo que esta pasando n nuestras vidas:

1.- Ya Abraham cumple 4 anos (No puedo creer como pasa el tiempo)
2.- Por fin voy a estar en casa tiempo completo. Me alegra poder compartir con mis hijos los momentos mas importanes:)
3.- Evelyn esta creciendo mucho y la es una gran bendicion en nuestra familia
4.- Jordan sigue con la escuela y trabaja desde la casa. 

Eso es todo por ahora. Espero que visiten esta pagina seguido. Tratare de poner casi todo lo que pasa con nostros aqui:)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Abe and His Guitar

He loves music......And he goes crazy when he has his new guitar:)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Abraham swimming:)

Cuando el verano empezo, Abraham tenia miedo estar en la piscina sin que alguien estuviera sosteniendolo todo el tiempo. Ya han pasado tres meses y Abe ha progresado muchisimo.
Aqui esta la prueba de que ahora no le tiene miedo a nada ni a nadie( a el agua de la piscina)

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Ya ha pasado bastante tiempo desde que publique en este espacio. Voy a tratar de poner algunas fotos para asi no olvidar todo el tiempo y las cosas hermosas que estan pasando.
Evelyn ya tiene 10 meses y esta creciendo mucho. Ya gatea y camina apoyada en su caminador. Ella esta creciendo muy rapido y claro sigue hermosa.
Abraham sigue mas loco. Flaquito pero muy feliz. Ya se acerca su cumpleanos y no puedo crees que ya vaya a tener 3.
Jordan y yo ya tenemos 6 anios de casados:) Ya estamos viejitos pero aun felices
Aqui algunas fotos de los meses que no he publicado nada.

                                                         Evelyn 3 meses......Abe 2 anios y medio

                                                      Su primera vez sentada
                                                                    Navidad 2011
                                                  Abe abriendo sus regalos  Dec 2011

                                                               Evelyn 4 meses
                                                                Evelyn 5 meses

                                                               6 meses
                                                        Enferma a los 6 meses
                                                             7 meses
                                                                              8 meses
                                                                           9 meses
                            Ya casi 10 meses y con mi loquito en su mes (3 semanas para e anios)