Tuesday, July 10, 2018

New Beggining

I have been divorce for almost a year, Wow so many things have changed.
I was waiting for so long to be able to heal from so much pain, lies and disrespect. I WANTED to reach out to so many people I cared about and saw as my family but truth is, if they really knew me they would have not believe so many terrible things that were said about me.
Divroce was hard on my kids and of course for me but what was harder ,was to realized all the terrible things that the one person who was suppossed to protect us said and was not true.
Countless nights I wanted to reach out , EXPLAIN AND clear things out. But I could not see the point of doing so. What would have come out ...more pain , more insults and I loved them so much that I decided I could not put them throught that. I still miss them. They were my family for 10 years and I will always respect them.
Anyway here is to a new beggining. It has been almost 3 years since the nightmare started But I have decided to move on and forgive even when an apology was never said to me.
I will post a lot about life as a single mom, my journy to a healthy life, school and the journy in my dating life and the most important thing...My kids